Laporan Abdimas Rumah Ilmiah (JLARI)2024-03-15T13:57:00+07:00Raimon Efendijurnal.jlari@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Laporan Pengabdian Masyarakat</p> Student Character through Basic Student Leadership Training at SMAN 3 Bungo2023-11-14T20:54:18+07:00Dwi Suyonodwisenamat@gmail.comAria Sancta Besariariasancta99@gmail.comSumarni<p>Leadership is a competency that a person must have. Leadership is not only needed in organizations, but in the Leadership is a competency that a person must have. Basic Student Leadership Training Activities (LDKS) is one of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) programs in order to prepare students to have a leadership spirit, especially OSIS administrators who also play an important role in running the school organization. The aimed of the service activity was to hold LDKS activities for prospective administrators and new OSIS members as basic education before being approved as OSIS administrators at SMA Negeri 3 Bungo. The methods used in this LDKS activity were the delivery of national material, organizational management, making activity proposals, making SPJ activities by resource persons, art performances, leadership games, dawn tours, and social service activities. This activity was held at SMAN 3 Bungo on 28-29 July 2023 with a total of 250 students consisting of class X and XI participants. The participants were students who have an interest in becoming members and administrators of organizations within the SMAN 3 Bungo environment. The results of the activity showed that the participants had the character of discipline, responsibility, care for the environment, religion, cooperation, and respect for achievement. The knowledge received in this activity provides provisions for the participants to develop a leadership spirit in carrying out their duties as OSIS administrators and have a positive impact on the school by providing an example for other students.</p>2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Dwi Suyono, Arya Sancta Besari, Sumarni Education among Students at SMA Negeri 12 Bungo2023-11-14T20:51:06+07:00Subhan<p>Bullying at school is a serious issue that requires attention from all parties. The aimed of the service activities was to increase students’ awareness and understanding of bullying, develop bullying prevention skills, and design joint strategies to create a safe school climate. The activity participants numbered 70 students from class 10 of SMA Negeri 12 Bungo, Bungo Regency. The method of implementing activities used counseling and discussions guided by resource persons from the Bungo Regency Social Service. The activity was held for one day on September 13 2023. The activity consisted of an interactive session with presentations, questions and answers, and discussions. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in participants’ understanding and ability to overcome bullying. This program can be a model for other schools in creating a safe and inclusive educational environment.</p>2023-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Subhan Wihardiyanto of New HR Training according to Development Standards Human Resources at the Andalas Scholar Foundation2024-03-15T13:57:00+07:00Yusuf<p><em>This service aimed to evaluate new HR training so that it is in accordance with HR development standards at the Andalas Scholar Foundation so, that it is hoped that it can provide valuable information for YAC in increasing the effectiveness of new HR training. This activity took the form of training given to 6 new human resources, taking place at the Andalas Scholar Foundation office for two months, namely July-September 2023. Based on the evaluation results, 83.3% of the training participants considered the training objectives to be very clear and 16.7% said they were clear. Meanwhile, 16.7% of participants stated that the training material was relevant to work needs and 83.3% stated that it was very relevant. The evaluation results also showed that 66.7% of participants considered the training methods used to be effective, while 33.3% said they were very effective. The training instructor was considered competent by 50% of participants, while the other 50% said they were very competent. The evaluation results showed that all participants reported an increase in performance after participating in the training, indicating the effectiveness of the training program in improving participants' abilities and performance. This confirms the success of the training program in providing real benefits for participants in improving performance.</em></p>2023-12-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Yusuf Efendi of Agent of Change Training Activities to Prevent Bullying with the Roots Program to Create Child-Friendly Schools2023-11-14T20:56:57+07:00Faryanti<p>Bullying in schools, whether in verbal, physical, social or via social media, is one of the problems in the world of education in Indonesia. Bullying has a negative impact on both the victim and the perpetrator. Preventing bullying in schools is important to protect students’ rights and psychological well-being, promoting the values of tolerance, justice and empathy. Bullying prevention plays a role in shaping students’ character, teaching students to respect the rights of others and preparing students to become responsible members of society. This activity aimed to increase students’ understanding and awareness of the importance of preventing bullying in schools in order to create a child-friendly school environment. The activity was carried out for 3 months from September to December 2023 and was attended by 30 students from classes X, XI and XII at SMAN 10 Tebo who were selected as agents of change. The evaluation results showed that this training activity went well and was in line with the expected objectives. Change agents have gained an adequate understanding of the concept of bullying, types of bullying, the impact of bullying, and ways to prevent bullying. Therefore, this activity can be recommended for implementation in other schools.</p>2023-12-02T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Faryanti of the Driving School Program for Increasing Teacher Competency in Preparing Differentiated Learning Modules2023-11-16T22:38:58+07:00Mahmud<p>Evaluation of the Program Sekolah Penggerak related to increasing teacher competency in compiling differentiated teaching modules is an important aspect in supporting the improvement of the education system at Sekolah Penggerak. This service activities aimed to improve the quality of teaching by focusing on preparing teaching modules that are responsive to the needs of the diversity of students. Evaluation methods include classroom observations, interviews, document assessment, implementation of in-house training, module trials, and evaluation of student learning outcomes. Evaluation methods were used to measure changes in teaching practices, teacher understanding regarding differentiated learning, and the impact on student learning outcomes. This service activities were held on Wednesday, November 1 2023 with 15 teachers participating. Evaluation results reflect improvements in instructional design skills, implementation of diverse learning strategies, and appropriate adjustments to individual learner needs. This program was also directed at building collaboration between teachers and establishing a culture of sustainable learning in schools. Therefore, increasing teacher competence in preparing differentiated learning modules has been proven to be able to increase teacher understanding and competence regarding differentiated learning at SMP Negeri 44 Tebo Regency.</p>2023-12-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Mahmud Aji of the Adiwiyata Program in Developing Environmentally Caring Character at UPT SMP Negeri 1 Pulau Punjung2023-11-26T20:40:17+07:00Hasbi Kurniadi<p>The service aimed to provide education about the success of the Adiwiyata program in developing environmentally caring character at UPT SMP Negeri 1 Pulau Punjung. The method of implementing the activity was a collaboration with residents of UPT SMP Negeri 1 Pulau Punjung. The number of participants in the activity was all school members, namely the panel of teachers and education staff at UPT SMP Negeri 1 Punjung Island, totaling 46 people, and students totaling 576 people. This activity was carried out on 23-27 October 2023. Based on the results of the service activities, it was found that UPT SMP Negeri 1 Pulau Punjung in implementing the Adiwiyata program refers to the four Adiwiyata standards. First, environmentally friendly school policies were implemented by creating a vision, mission, and RKAS regarding environmental education. Second, the implementation of an environment-based curriculum was implemented by creating Silbus, RPP, and teaching materials. Third, participatory-based environmental activities were implemented through collaboration with various parties, co-curricular activities, as well as creative and innovation activities. Fourth, the management of environmentally friendly supporting facilities and infrastructure was implemented by providing supporting facilities and infrastructure, such as green schools, composters, and cleaning equipment. The formation of an environmentally caring character was carried out through spontaneous actions, for example, school culture and appreciation. The environmentally caring character that appears as an impact of implementing the Adiwiyata program includes responsibility, discipline, cooperation, and creativity.</p>2023-12-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Hasbi Kurniadi Siregar