Implementation of E-Learning as an Alternative Learning Media

Implementasi E-Learning sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran


  • Devia Kartika Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang
  • Hezy Kurnia Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang


E-learning, Web, Daring


During the current pandemic, teaching and learning activities at the SD Yayasan Dar El Iman – Padang are implemented as a distance learning system or a brave system. very needed an information system that helps in the teaching and learning process to facilitate students and teachers in interacting. The design of e-learning at the SD Yayasan Dar El Iman – Padang is implemented to facilitate the teaching and learning process and improve communication between students and teachers. This WEB-based e-learning is created using the php and html programming languages ​​and the database uses MySql. E-learning is expected to help the teaching and learning process at the SD Yayasan Dar El Iman – Padang which was initially able to form an information system that requires an internet network. Learning using e-learning makes it easier for students to access material and makes it easier for teachers to make questions and correct assignments and exercises, besides that it makes it easier for students to interact with teachers in terms of learning that is considered difficult or not explained. And also with the existence of WEB-based e-learning, it is expected to increase the effectiveness, understanding and knowledge and skills of teachers in using online learning systems at SD Yayasan Dar El Iman – Padang.



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