Ecopaliko Nagari BukikLimbuku MSME Business Empowerment Based on Eco-friendly Technology and Fashion Through Ecoprint

Pemberdayaan Usaha UMKM Ecopaliko Nagari BukikLimbuku Berbasis Teknologi dan Fashion Ramah Lingkungan Melalui Ecoprint


  • Rasidah Nasrah Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin
  • Agriqisthi Agriqisthi Universitas Andalas, Sumatera Barat
  • Lili Wahyuni Universitas Andalas, Sumatera Barat


The Handicraft Industry become favored by people living in areas that have tourism potential, such as Payakumbuh City and Limapuluh Kota Regency. The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding of ecoprint technology in the fashion world, apply quality control to products before spread to the market. The method used is the socialization method, application design, training and mentoring as well as simulation and evaluation. The partner group in this PKM program is Usaha EcoPaliko. In this case, partners have important role in providing information about the problems they currently face, namely the many obstacles faced by this group of partners with disabilities in introducing or publishing and marketing the products of their business. The participation of partners in this activity is high because their expectations for the outcome of this activity are very high. After 8 months of program implementation, an evaluation will be held to determine the sustainability of this program. It is hoped that at the end of the program the partner group will be more independent in using this website. The results of the activity resulted in an increase in production capacity, an increase in product quality, better product quality standards, and standards


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